Logo of mastoart.social. A large paintbrush is painting an M inside an oval with a tail. The oval is filled with rainbow coloured paint.

About Mastoart.social

Mastoart.social was created at the end of October 2023 and is run by Sciasm and myself. We both belonged to creative online communities on corporate social media in the past and wanted to take the best from those experiences and to build a space that puts the user first and allows creatives to share their work and be seen as humans rather than content creators.

The server is a place where friends share their current projects, encourage each other to draw, paint and create, as well has having everyday conversations. It's like having a coffee with friends and creating some art or doing some knitting or crocheting, just online. As the server is part of the Mastodon network members can also talk to people all over the fediverse on over a thousand different servers too!

You can check out the server : here

Signing up is free and easy. You only need to provide a working email address. If you are interested in signing up: Click here

The admin team

Cartoon style head and shoulders picture of an animal that looks like a cross between a deer and a feline with large eyes, long hair and a broad snout.

Sciasm is also known as Bestia Ex Machina and uses the pronouns they and them. Sciasm can often be found wearing headphones that have metal music blasting out and drawing animal characters that have an urban steampunk feel, or animals that have not been discovered yet. Sciasm is really friendly and loves talking about board games, baking and creepy crawlies.

Cartoon style head and shoulders picture of a cat with glasses and a smug grin

Kitty is also known as Das Metal Kitty and uses the pronouns they and them. Kitty goes most places with a pencil, sketch book and headphones and is known to draw in the most unlikeliest of places. In conversations Kitty will most probably talk about creative projects, metal music releases or show you the latest pictures they have drawn.